Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ann Ward on Vogue Italia

Definitely a model for me. Okay, I’m not just talking about Ann, ramping out in the runway. But how she was so natural to herself and to everybody from the very beginning of the America’s Next Top Model Cycle 15. Everybody could look at her like they’re the one being looked at. She’s awkward, go-what’s-on-flow, pretty much the same person we would be if we were there. She couldn’t caught up with others, but she kept on going, and guess what? She won being the America’s Next Top Model. Who could tell, right?
Well, here’s a thing. I’ve been dreaming to be a ramp model myself. Woohoo. And looking at her is like one way telling myself that, before she won, she was just like any other else.
Actually, I laughed at the part when Tyra Banks asked her how she’s feeling that she won, she have beaten up all those fabs and glams women, and what she’s to say to those people who once bullied her. You know that feeling? Or, maybe you just don’t. She’s fabulous, man.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Let go of the past.

Forgiveness is a choice. We may not be able to wipe away the hurt that someone has caused but we can choose to cast off the bitterness, anger, and feelings of the need to revenge and justice. How? Trust in God, believe in His word, and turn judgment over to Him. Once we let God to take over, we can start to let the negative feelings go.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

4 signs that you're into some one.

4 Signs that you are into someone.
  1. I will laugh at everything you say, even if you say, “I was walking the dog and I accidentally touched its butt.”I will laugh my head off like you told me something that was actually funny.
  2. I will stay up late just to talk to you, even if my face is on the keyboard I will stay up. That’s because I value each and every single second that we talk.
  3. I try and avoid eye contact with you because if I do glance at you, I will automatically smile. So I avoid looking at you at all costs so you don’t catch me smiling at you.
  4. I would write about you on my blog and make it subtle but a bit obvious that it’s about you.

Friday, April 29, 2011

I love this man, I really do.

Have you heard about the beautiful Savior? He died for you. He went through pain that only we can wonder of, pain that only we can imagine. The pain that He went through for me and you.

They pulled at His beard, slapped His face, spit and kicked and punched and hit.

Like He was not the Son of God. Like He was not their Creator. Like He was not their Savior. Like He was not the Lamb, who takes away the sin of the world.

“Forgive them, Father!” He cried aloud. “For they do not know what they do!”

And He thought of you, He thought of you. And it was worth it, what He was going through, it was worth it, if it means spending eternity with You.

He loves you. Despite every failure, and mistake, and shortcoming. He loves you. He wants you. He yearns for you.

A beautiful Savior He truly is, none compares to our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ.

None, absolutely none.

Hate this feeling, so much.

I learned a lot about friendships. I lost people that were once my best friends. I lost old friendships that I thought would last beyond high school. People I once trusted ended up showing me the opposite. Although I lost those people, I also built more valuable relationships with the people who stayed. I kept the friends that really mattered. I gained stronger friendships with people who were there for me. I realized that besides family, I only have a few people I can truly rely on, but that’s okay. Having a huge group of friends isn’t that great when most can care less about you. In the end, having a few valuable friendships with people who really have your back is always worth so much more.

Xoxo, Abbie

Little fashion.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My tattoo to be.

I want to have my own tattoo and I've just decided to have a feather tattoo just like hers, it symbolizes for freedom and optimism. I like to have one because like a bird they're have there freedom, I want to have my own freedom. Freedom to speak, to act and to enjoy life.

Xoxo, Abbie