Friday, April 29, 2011

I love this man, I really do.

Have you heard about the beautiful Savior? He died for you. He went through pain that only we can wonder of, pain that only we can imagine. The pain that He went through for me and you.

They pulled at His beard, slapped His face, spit and kicked and punched and hit.

Like He was not the Son of God. Like He was not their Creator. Like He was not their Savior. Like He was not the Lamb, who takes away the sin of the world.

“Forgive them, Father!” He cried aloud. “For they do not know what they do!”

And He thought of you, He thought of you. And it was worth it, what He was going through, it was worth it, if it means spending eternity with You.

He loves you. Despite every failure, and mistake, and shortcoming. He loves you. He wants you. He yearns for you.

A beautiful Savior He truly is, none compares to our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ.

None, absolutely none.

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