Wednesday, April 27, 2011

True this.

How do you explain why you like someone? The answer's simple--you can't. The feelings you get when you wake up to their text message, when you see their smile and know it's there because of you, when you see their face light up the second they see you, when they hold you in their arms, when you want to see/talk/be with them 24/7, when they tell you that you're the most important thing in the world to them, when they accept you for who you are, and when they tell you that they love you; all those feelings you get can only be felt, not explained. You can tell that you like someone all based on how you "feel", it's as if time has stopped and everything seems perfect for once, it's as if you're walking on air and nothing could ever bring you down.

Xoxo, Abbie

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