Monday, April 25, 2011

I am me.

Hi, this is my first post here in my blogspot. I create this blog so I can express and share with you (reader) all about thee. I am created for God and only for Him. I’m the girl who tries to be nice to everyone and who tries to look pretty and it’s never good enough but I keep believing that I am beautiful in my own way because God created each and everyone perfectly and uniquely. I’m the girl who tries to get her point across and could never find the right words, the girl who has more depth to her then everyone thinks. I’m the girl who wouldn't care if you gave me a shitty gift as long as you thought of me (the thoughts that counts). I’m the girl that prays that someone will finally understand. I’m the girl that gets happy over the little things. I’m the girl that people misinterpret. But I am still me.

Xoxo, Abbie

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